Sunday, April 4, 2010

Scripture Power: Nephews and Nieces are the Cutest

Early this morning we went over to babysit our nephews and niece while their parents went to conference. We expected that they would still be sleeping since the excitement of the Easter Bunny came yesterday for them. But oh no, they were wide awake. We had fun playing with them and decided to sing some primary songs to get excited for conference. "Scripture Power" was suggested and not 5 words into the song my nephew Tanner says, "Wait! Let me get a Book of Mormon so I can raise it in the air!" Oh how wonderful is Primary. This video was made on my husband's iphone to send to my in-laws in Mexico. Yet another wonderful blessing of media. At the end is baby Anders with only a few seconds of about 20 minutes of laughter. He is the happiest, most well-mannered baby ever!