I can't believe I haven't blogged about listening to talk radio. Yes, I know, it surprises me too. But I don't go a day without listening to at least a little talk radio to keep me informed. I usually listen to KSL (but NOT Sean Hannity, uggggghhh). For one of my jobs I drive to American Fork, Orem, and Spanish Fork every week, so I have a little driving time between courthouses. I started listening to it because I wanted to know what was going on (My husband is an avid reader of
The Economist which I guess wet my appetite for the desire to know more. Love it by the way and highly recommend it. Much more informative than KSL, just more time consuming). I've never been one to be super into the news and politics, but I felt so uninformed that I had to do something. I realized today when I was visiting teaching and the topic of health care reform came up that I could explain to the other women what was going on, since they didn't know. So I guess my 20 or 30 minutes a day of talk radio is paying off:) Though I have to take the opinions of others on the radio as nothing but opinions, I feel like hearing what is going on helps me to be a better citizen of society and able to act accordingly.